The seller is located at West Sussex, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Home and Garden Spare Parts
Free UK delivery
If you change your mind
You have 14 days to change your mind. The return costs will be at your charge. You'll be refunded no more than 14 days after the seller has received your decision to withdraw. Please note the seller may withhold the refund until they've received the products or until they've received evidence that the products have been sent back, whichever is the earliest (unless the seller has offered to collect the goods.) Please return the products in their original packaging where possible.
How can I return a product?
It's easy: go to "My order" and click on "Return my product" to receive the return instructions.
Other return conditions
If your order has arrived and it is faulty or damaged then you must notify us immediately or within 24 hours and we will arrange for a replacement or refund of the item. (It needs to be within this time period for us to make claims with our couriers) For these situations we have a pre paid returns process which will be advised once you have notified us. We require the packing slip to be returned with the item so we can identify your return. If the item you have received is not as advertised or does not fit the model it is listed for then we will also provide details of a pre paid return. In these circumstances and to prevent abuse of our free post return service we will require you to forward us the details of the appliance you purchased the items for including model number and serial number and also a photograph of the model plate. Please note: If your return qualifies for a free return and your goods are returned without using the pre paid service issued by us then we are unable to reimburse for postage costs you incur returning the goods. If you have simply changed your mind or no longer require the item(s), you must notify us within 14 days from receiving your order that you wish to return it. The item(s) must be in their original unused and unopened and resalable condition for a full refund or supply of different goods, If they are not then we are sorry but we are unable to accept them. Our return address is SJD Supplies Ltd, Unit 4C Dickinson Place, Bognor Regis, PO229QU. In these circumstances it is your responsibility for the costs of returning the goods and the goods remain your responsibility until we receive them. We require the packing slip to be returned with the item so we can identify your return, refunds will be issued once goods are returned in satisfactory condition