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  2. Harts of Stur

The seller is located at Sturminster Newton, United Kingdom

What the seller has to say

HARTS are a fourth generation family business and have been established since 1919. We now have extensive premises built on the original site where our founder, the late Walter Hart, was Sturminster Newton's local Blacksmith. This lovely old Market Town (once lived in by Thomas Hardy) is situated in the heart of Dorset's Blackmore Vale. We are one of the UK's largest in store and on line retailers of Cookware, Kitchenware and Kitchen Electrics, stocking a comprehensive range at competitive prices, offering, with great confidence, cookware of unbeatable quality and value.

Detailed terms of sale

If you change your mind
You have 14 days to change your mind. The return costs will be at your charge. You'll be refunded no more than 14 days after the seller has received your decision to withdraw. Please note the seller may withhold the refund until they've received the products or until they've received evidence that the products have been sent back, whichever is the earliest (unless the seller has offered to collect the goods.) Please return the products in their original packaging where possible.

How can I return a product?
It's easy: go to "My order" and click on "Return my product" to receive the return instructions.

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