The seller is located at , Germany
Costway UK is the trading name for FDS Corporation Ltd. Founded in 2014, we are based in Ipswich and serve customers all over the UK. We have branches in the US, Germany. Costway UK is building our reputation of helping consumers achieve their financial targets with satisfactory product quality and best price. In order to guarantee that our customers will get the perfect products, we are always looking for the products with high quality and favorable price and making the whole purchase process easy, safe and convenient. Costway UK is growing to be one of the top retailers in Europe. We always have a higher market sensitivity and devote ourselves to the diversity of the products. We are also capable of assisting our customers to find whatever they want and we commit ourselves to providing our customers with premium quality products and convenient customer service.
If you change your mind
You have 14 days to change your mind. The return costs will be at your charge. You'll be refunded no more than 14 days after the seller has received your decision to withdraw. Please note the seller may withhold the refund until they've received the products or until they've received evidence that the products have been sent back, whichever is the earliest (unless the seller has offered to collect the goods.) Please return the products in their original packaging where possible.
How can I return a product?
It's easy: go to "My order" and click on "Return my product" to receive the return instructions.
Other return conditions
Prepaid return label