Aquatronix is the Bestway 58482 robot for pool cleaning, which will do your dirty work by itself with the aim of keeping the pool clean and intact.
The Bestway 58482 robot vacuum cleaner is wireless and has been set up with a large range of movements and it is compatible with any flat-bottomed pool. The procedure couldn’t be simpler: the device is controlled by a single power switch. The integrated sensors enable the Bestway 58482 Aquatronix to start cleaning up as soon as it is placed in water and to shut down when it is out of the water, so that its engine can last longer. The locking clips make maintenance and cleaning easier - just open the compartment and remove any kind of debris from the stainless steel filter. The compartment of the Bestway 58482 automatic robot vacuum cleaner can contain up to 4,5 litres of debris before being emptied.
Thanks to the directional jet, you will be able to remove debris and particles up to 2700 L/h (710 gal/h). The adjustable wheel axis and the removable bumpers allow you to customize your robot to make it suitable for any kind and size of the pool. Moreover, Aquatronix includes a practical handle, a LED light for night use and a kit to remove the robot from the water without getting into it.
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