Homescapes has carefully selected a range of replica plants to complement their high quality hard wood furniture. These replica plants are so lifelike that it's difficult to tell the difference. Homescapes replica plants are naturally beautiful with stunning silk flowers, lively leaves and natural wood trunks. The bamboo trees have real bamboo stems and all other plants or trees have natural trunks. Homescapes plants do not need much maintenance, but the following points will make you more prepared for enjoying your green interiors more. After carefully removing the outer packaging, the plant should be placed away from direct sunlight to avoid fading of leaves. These plants will require a minimum tweaking and the leaves can be shaped in any position you fancy. To clean the dust, simply wipe with a damp cloth. Smaller plants needing cleaning can be submerged in lukewarm water with a little washing up liquid. Please rinse with clear water and make sure that the plant does not stay in water for long. A quick dip should suffice. In the true tradition of Homescapes, they sell only quality products and this is yet another addition to their pursuit of your beautiful interiors.